
ColdBox 2.6.2 RC is out, tons of updates.

Luis Majano November 24, 2008

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Luis Majano

November 24, 2008

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We have just released a RC version of 2.6.2 in our downloads section. This is an incredibly ambitious maintenance release that will knock your socks off!! So head off to our downloads section to download and visit our What's new Guide to find out, well, what is new.

There are over 30 know tickets that have been fixed and about 30 new enhancements listed below:

  1. Model Integration
    1. Location
    2. Usage Methods
    3. Dependencies DSL
    4. Model Mappings
    5. Persistence
  2. New Application Template and Generator
  3. ColdBox Dashboard 2.2.4 : Open Source
  4. Pre Handler Exception and Only Lists
  5. Post Handler Exception and Only Lists
  6. New Handler Public Property: this.EVENT_CACHE_SUFFIX
  7. Anti Samy: New XSS plugin
  8. ColdBox SideBar improvements
  9. Implicit Views
  10. New Interceptor: Deploy
    1. How to set it up?
    2. Interceptor Properties
    3. Deploy Command Object
  11. New ${Setting: varname not found} replacement on coldbox.xml
  12. ioc plugin can now use ${} on Coldspring/Lightwire
  13. Security Validator Updates
  14. Unit testing property: this.PERSIST_FRAMEWORK
  15. New Super Type Methods: locateFilePath(), locateDirectoryPath()
  16. setNextEvent() now detects SES mode
  17. New Sample App: ColdBox SES
  18. New Sample App: Simple Blog
    1. Simple Blog 1 : No OO
    2. Simple Blog 2 : Moderate OO
    3. Simple Blog 3 : Advanced OO
    4. Simple Blog 4 : Guru OO
  19. New param to dump() to abort also
  20. ColdBox Cache Updates
  21. New Plugin: ClusterStorage on Code Depot
  22. Bean Factory Updates
  23. Autowire any bean from the ioc plugin
  24. New Autowire attribute overrides
  25. Implicit View Helpers
  26. New i18n Locale Storage: Cookie
  27. Utilities: sendFile()
  28. New Transfer Extra: Transfer Loader Interceptor
  29. SES Package Resolver
  30. LightWire Collaboration & Updates

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Nov 24, 2008 08:24:29 UTC

by Tony Garcia

I just read about the new features in the docs -- wow! Are you sure this isn't the 3.0 release?? ;-)

Nov 24, 2008 09:28:30 UTC

by Jason Dean

Amazing! What a release. I have a lot of reading to do.

Nov 26, 2008 19:29:05 UTC

by Chris Pyle

Wow Luis! I just read through the description page for the new update and, once again, am blown away. I saw at least two things I was wishing for just last week listed! I don't know how you manage to put so much into this while working a regular job but I AM IMPRESSED! Thank you (and the team) again for all your hard work. Chris

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